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Work With Me One-On-One
Are you looking for support in creating or revising a training, program, summit or off-site?
My team and I work intimately with you to design highly engaging, experiential and interactive events that create an unforgettable experience and lasting behavioral and cultural change.
Every experience we design is focused on engaging people through hands-on learning that can be practically applied right away. We develop a strategic sequence of content, exercises and activities to create the maximum impact in the least amount of time for the participants.
Our design process will be guided by the "Optimal Sequence of a Live Event Template", which takes participants on a transformative journey that produces profound results every time. I have developed this template as the distillation of designing and delivering hundreds of events over the past 20 years, and it will help you shave years off of trial and error.
We usually work with each client for a few months, with a focus on intensive design sprints, where we make massive progress in short periods of time, so you can focus on the event in concentrated bursts and feel prepared ahead of schedule.
Each engagement begins with an Experience Design Training component, which will give you the tools to think like an Experience Designer, so you can optimize every program you ever create.
Each Engagement Includes:
An initial Experience Design Training call, to get you familiar with Experience Design principles and frameworks
A day-long in-person Design Sprint with key stakeholders to accelerate your design process, and begin filling in the pieces of the Live Event Template
One or more Half-Day or Full-Day follow up Design Sprints
A number of phone calls with Jenny's team to help you finalize your curriculum
A lifetime membership to Play On Purpose, a video library with dozens of Jenny's best team building games and exercises
I only work with a handful of private clients per year, so please contact me to inquire about current availability, or being placed on the waiting list.
Send me a message below and we'll schedule an initial phone call to connect.
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